a selection of graphic works and allegorical narratives with references to popular culture, politics, religion and history.

sale price

Gumscape with City
sale price

Mambo 30
sale price

Repairing a Spacecraft
sale price

Australian Beer Tree
sale price

Humans are Idiots
sale price

Gumscape with Animals and Spacecraft
sale price

Carbone with gums and koala
sale price

Locked Out
sale price

Mixed Grill
sale price

Terror Australis
sale price

Bush Picnic
sale price

Cowboy Guitar
sale price

Nocturne with Carbone and Truckskull
sale price

Waterland V
sale price

Stars and Gums
sale price

Mechangaroo Celebrates
sale price

Waterland IV
sale price

Monkey King
sale price

Gumscape with Creatures
sale price

Truckskull with Bronze Dog
sale price

Burning Van
sale price

sale price

Housing Unaffordability
sale price