In 2007 the S. H. Ervin Gallery presented the first major survey exhibition spanning Chris O’Doherty’s then thirty-year career as an artist.

An 80 page full colour book The Art of Christopher O'Doherty aka Reg Mombassa was published by the National Trust of Australia (NSW) to accompany the survey exhibition.
Prints from the S.H. Ervin Gallery survey exhibition
Exhibition Program
Sunday 07 January Jane Watters, director, S.H.Ervin Gallery, leads an exhibition floor talk on the work of Chris O’Doherty aka Reg Mombassa.
Sunday 14 January Haydn Keenan, director, smartstreet films, talks about his new documentary, Golden Sandals the art of Reg Mombassa the film is screening during the exhibition
Sunday 21 January Dare Jennings, Mambo founder & H.G. Nelson, media commentator, discuss the cultural impact of O’Doherty’s iconic imagery for the cult street-wear label.
Sunday 28 January Peter O’Doherty, artist & musician, gives a personal response to three decades of his brother’s work.
Sunday 04 February Chris O’Doherty aka Reg Mombassa & ABC 702 presenter, Simon Marnie, in conversation.
Sunday 11February Euan Macleod, renowned artist & fellow New Zealander, responds to O’Doherty’s prolific work. Macleod is joined by printmaker Michael Kempson, to discuss O’Doherty’s draughtsmanship & printmaking Kempson will refer to the etchings in the exhibition & working with the atrist at Cicada Press, UNSW COFA.
Sunday 18 February Chris O’Doherty leads a floor talk discussing key works the exhibition.
Sunday 25 February Artist, Michael Bell, first saw O’Doherty’s paintings in a exhibition 30 years ago. Since that time he has become a fan, admirer and a friend. Bell will present a personal overview of the exhibition.
Exhibition Media
John McDonald | The art of Chris O’Doherty aka Reg Mombassa Sydney Morning Herald 26 January 2007
Ashley Crawford |The art of Chris O’Doherty aka Reg Mombassa The Age – 9 March 2007
Daily Telegraph Mambo art messiah’s show 4 January 2007
7:30 Report | ABC Scott Bevan interview with Chris O’Doherty